The key word at Greenbull Campus is “entrepreneurship” and our aim is to break the stereotypical thinking about entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is much more than a career…
It’s a state of mind.
We believe everyone has the potential!
want to open a business
decide to start a business
of our clients take action within 3 months of their training
Understand the fundamentals of the real estate sector, rental investments, property purchases, taxation or even train to become a real estate agent… Time to become more profitable!
Does the world of finance seem daunting to you? Are you unsure of how the stock market works? Worry no more! Everything will be explained simply so that you can make easy changes to boost your finances.
Understand the impact of digitalisation on your business, set up an ergonomic website, understand the intricacies of data regulation and elevate your sales. We give you all the tools to make your business take off!